Becoming a Member

Here is a summary of the steps for becoming a member (source: WSKO):

1. Contact the branch and arrange a time to visit

2. Watch a class and speak to the Branch Master about membership

3. Come and try a class to see how it feels

4. If you wish to join, complete the membership forms and pay the appropriate fees


Eligibility for Membership

Our branch accepts new members aged 13 and above.

It is not necessary to be in peak physical condition to start training, but if you are over 40 years old, or have pre-exisiting health issues, please check with your physician before starting training.



Shorinji Kempo Toronto Branch (like all WSKO branches) is a non-profit group and we aim to keep our fees as low as possible.

Our current fees are:

    Adults - $65 per month

    $45 - full time Students (with student ID)

Fees are payable 5 days prior to the start of each month.

We ask that all payments be made electronically.


Other Costs

WSKO Membership Fee: $23

Uniform: ~$90-180 (plus shipping and duty)*

Kyu Curriculum: free

Tokuhon (textbook): $20

Sode-sho (sleeve badge): $6

Gradings: $20-$24 for Kyu level exams


* it's fine to start out wearing a t-shirt and jogging pants